![]() When you want to have Andersen windows without paying the highest price, you may consider Andersen 100 Series. These windows have an interesting style and clean look. Once installed, 100 series are gonna add that shiny look, your house deserves. The Beauty of Andersen 100 Series The interior of the window has much cleaner look than vinyl windows. All the corners of the Andersen 100 series window have a clean cut and you don’t see any uncut vinyl from fusion welding. That makes your window look like part of the room. Andersen 100 series window does not have balance covers and night latches. The window can be made in 4 interior colors. The thickness of the frame and sash combined is 2’’. It makes the window look very slim and elegant. It is especially good if you have smaller windows in the house. It means you are not gonna loose any glass area. You may increase your glass area if your old windows have thick frame and sashes. The exterior of the window looks very clean as well. Once the Andersen 100 series window is installed, it is easily becomes part of the house and enhances the beauty and attractiveness. The window can be made in 6 exterior colors. Performance of Andersen 100 Series Andersen 100 series window is Energy Star qualified window. U-factor of the window is 0.27, SHGC is 0.32. Low-E glass and Argon Gas are standard option in 100 series. The window is available in single hung option only. It means that only bottom sash is moving and can be tilted in for easy cleaning. Air infiltration rating is 0.3, which is lower than the industry average of 0.33, but not impressive. It means you may feel some small streams of air coming into the house and out of the house without your permission. The Andersen 100 series window has durable block and tackle balance system. It does not need lubrication or adjustment, it can be opened and closed about 28,000 times before failing. Quality of The Andersen 100 Series Window Andersen 100 Series window is made from Fibrex material. The Andersen window company claims, that this material is much more durable and better performing than vinyl. It does not expand in summer or contracts in winter. Andersen company gives 10 year transferrable warranty on the window and 20 years on the glass from the date of manufacturing. When cleaning the frame of the window, you should use appropriate cleaner recommending by Anderson. Some of vinyl cleaners cannot be used on Fibrex. Andersen 100 Series Key points:Positive points:
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![]() Andersen Windows and Doors Company is one of the largest window manufacturers in the U.S. The company was started in 1903 by Danish immigrant and his family. Since that time Andersen company grew steadily. Today in addition to Andersen Brand, the company has other branches. One of the main is Renewal by Andersen for window replacement services. It includes: Silverline and American Craftsman windows and doors as well as Eagle Window and Weiland Sliding Door manufacturers. So in other words, the company is extremely big and diversified. We would like to concentrate our attention on Andersen windows only. We will post reviews below. Just click on the link when it is blue in color:
As you can guess, the base model is Andersen 100 Series window. This is new construction single hung window. It has interesting design and comes with several glass options as well as 4 interior and 6 exterior colors. If you want to go one step higher, then it is gonna be Andersen 200 Series double hung window. This window brings the warmth of the wood into your house at the acceptable price. Andersen 200 series available in 2 colors only, while choice of glass is very wide as well as the finish and color of the hardware. At the top of the line of Andersen window company is Andersen 400 series, Woodright series, A and E series windows. The main difference in these windows is materials they are made of, color options and design options. The frame of these windows is much stronger, than Andersen 100 and 200 Series windows. Andersen Windows and Door company has got a good pipeline of products. Many people like their good design and quality of the windows. Some other people claim, that Andersen window company lost its glow when it started selling its products at Home Depot and Lowes. They say, that window company is no longer a luxury brand, because you can buy their products at the high volume retailer. So there is no longer exclusivity and mystery in Andersen windows. At the end of the day the most important thing is your goals, weather it is energy efficiency, beauty or performance. You should pursue whatever is most important to you. ![]() When you want to get to top of the line, then you should consider OKNA Enviro-Star ( also called 800 Series) Double Hung windows. These replacement windows are the highest window line of the OKNA manufacturer. The Beaty of the OKNA Enviro-Star Windows ![]() Eviro-Star series double hung window is a breakthrough product, which available in many glass and structural options. This double hung window when installed into your house blends in seamlessly and rejuvenates your house for many years to come. The interior of the window makes your room comfortable. When you install Enviro-Star windows, you can feel yourself proud and happy. The window comes with balance covers, no spider web or dust is gonna get into the balance channels. Night latches are standard as well. The Eviro-Star window has many interior colors and options. The thickness of the frame is a bit on higher side of 3 1/4. If you have smaller windows in the house, then you are gonna loose some of the glass area. When most of the windows in your house are big, then you are not gonna notice any big difference. The elegant beveled exterior profile of the Enviro-Star window will make the exterior of your house to look unforgettable and long lasting in memories of your family and friends. The 800 series double hung windows can be painted to match any exterior. These windows, once installed, are gonna look like the eyes of the most beautiful person you ever met. Performance of The OKNA Enviro-Star Window![]() Okna 800 series double hung windows have the highest energy efficiency ratings in the industry. The U-Factor of the window is 0.20, SHGC 0.29. The window comes with triple pane glass, triple layer of weather stripping on both sashes. All that means, that you are gonna be able finally donate that heavy wool sweater and wool socks. The temperature in your house is gonna stay stable. Air infiltration is 0.01, which one of the best in the industry. No doubt that the air is gonna come in to your house or out of the house with your permission only. At the bottom of the window sash there is magnetic seal, which draws the bottom sash to the window seal, so it closes like a door of a fridge. The balance system of the window is very reliable as well, does not need any adjustment or lubrication. You can open and close it about 28000 times. Quality of The Enviro-Star Window![]() The 800 series window is made from a high quality virgin vinyl. What does it mean? Well, it means, that all the OKNA windows installed into your house are not gonna fade too much in the next 10-15 years. You are gonna enjoy the true colors of the window for many years to come. The frame and sashes are fusion welded for extra strength and beauty. High density composite reinforcement is in the top part of your window sash. It makes the window very durable and 171 mph wind resistant. All in all, when you install these windows into your house, you are gonna feel yourself proud about that achievement. In other words your house is gonna become your precious nest, your fortress, where you are gonna feel yourself comfortable, happy and secure. Eviro-Star (800 series) Double Hung Window Key Points:Positive Points:
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![]() When you have hard access areas in your house, then one of the good options might be OKNA Casement 700 Series. Double hung windows are the best choice for window replacement, but in some places like around kitchen sink or bath tub, you may consider installation of a casement window. Beauty of OKNA Casement 700 Window ![]() OKNA 700 series windows have modern design and look. Once it is installed, it becomes a part of the house. The interior of the window has straight modern touches and eliminates all the unnecessary noise, that other windows have. The window has well designed crank in and out handle. When you do not use it, you can easily fold it in and the handle becomes part of the window. The exterior of the window has relatively thin profiles, which adds to the beauty of the window, without sacrificing the energy efficiency of the window. Performance of the OKNA 700 Window![]() OKNA 700 casement window boasts with high energy efficiency ratings. The U-Value is 0.24, SHGC 0.27. The air infiltration rating is below 0.02, which makes this casement window solid like a wall, not a stream of air is gonna come into the house or out of the house without your permission. The window sash has triple layer of weather stripping, which gives all that extra insulating qualities to the window. In the window is used multi locking system, which improves security of the house substantially. There are two locks inside the frame of the window, when you lock the window, these two locks draw the window sash very tightly. OKNA 700 Series casement can be opened 90 degrees for easy ventilation and cleaning from the inside of the house. Quality of The OKNA 700 Series ![]() The frame of the OKNA 700 series window is made from high quality virgin vinyl. The sash and frame of the window are fully welded for exceptional strength. The glass panes of the window are separated with HeatSeal warm edge spacer system for excellent thermal performance and reduction of the possibility of condensation of the window glass. 700 Series Casement Window Points:Positive Points:
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![]() The middle range replacement window by OKNA manufacturer is Eco-Pro Series double hung. This type of the replacement window is called OKNA 600 Series as well. Let’s see what is it in the window that many people love them. Beauty of the window![]() Eco-Pro Series are available in interior woodgrain colors. The frame of the window is slightly thicker than Precision-Weld Series (Okna 400 Series windows). The Interior of the window makes your room much more cosy and comfortable. The round edges of the window frame enhance the beauty of the room. All the balance channels of the window have the balance covers, this way no dust or spider web is gonna accumulate in these channels. Night vent latches are standard as well. You can vent just the couple of inches at the bottom or at the top of the window. Eco-Pro Series windows have a slim looking sash lock with many color options. The thickness of the frame and sash of the window combined is 3 1/4, slightly on the bigger side. If you have smaller windows in your house, it may make them look even smaller. If your windows are bigger in size, then you are not gonna notice the loss of the the glass area. The Exterior of OKNA Eco-Pro Series window has an appealing modern look. You can tell that when you look at the slightly beveled and rounded screen channel of the window. Once Okna 600 windows installed into your house, they become a beautiful part of it. Performance of the window![]() Okna Eco-Pro Series double hung windows have very high energy efficiency ratings and very low air infiltration ratings. The U-Factor of the window is 0.25, the SHGC is 0.27. The window has triple layer of weather stripping on top and the bottom sashes. There is an air bulb between the both sashes, as well as at the bottom window sash. All that adds to good air infiltration rating of below 0.02. Both sashes close as tight as the door of a fridge. The balance system of the window is block and tackle system. It can achieve more than 28000 cycles. You can close and open your window that many times and still it is gonna be working. Quality of the window![]() The frame of the widow is made from virgin vinyl. It means that the vinyl used in a window was not recycled. It is used for the first time in the frame of your window. Block and tackle system is maintenance free and does not need any adjustment or lubrication. The whole frame of the window is fusion welded for enhanced beauty and extra durability. High performance HeatSeal Spacer is used between the two glass chambers of the window. It prevents any moisture to accumulate in the space between the two glass panes. The frame of the window has High Density Composite Reinforcement. It makes this window extremely durable and 171 mph wind resistant. Both sashes are foam filled for extra energy efficiency. Eco-pro series window advantages and disadvantages:Advantages:
When it comes to windows selection, we have a wide choice of manufacturers. OKNA Precision-Weld Series is the product of OKNA Windows And Doors Company. This type of the window is one of the most popular products offered by the company. The other name that these replacement windows go is OKNA 400 Series. So let’s see why some people say it is the “future today” windows. Beauty of The Window The Interior of the window makes it look like the part of the room. The frame of the Precision-Weld replacement window has rounded edges and gives richer look to the interior of the room. The frame has balance covers, that gives to the window a finished look and prevents dust and spider web build up in balance channels. Night latches are standard as well, so you can vent several inches of the top or the bottom of the window. The OKNA 400 Series have a slim profile sash lock, but you have an option to add Auto-Lock feature. The thickness of the frame and sash combined is 3’’, which is a bit on the bigger side, especially if you have small windows. If your windows are bigger, then you are not gonna notice the loss of some of the glass area. The Exterior of The OKNA 400 Window has a modern look. The screen channel of the window has curved edges, which gives to the window pretty much a unique look. Most of the window industry uses square strict edges, which makes the window look a bit colder and boring. Performance of the Window Precision-Weld Series double hung replacement window boasts with very impressive energy efficiency ratings. The U-Factor of the window with the basic package is 0.28, the SHGC is 0.30. You can see on the pictures the thick double layer of weather stripping on both sashes and air bulb on the bottom sash. The air infiltration rating is 0.05, which means the window closes tight as the door of a fridge. The special bulb between the top and bottom sashes adds to that great air infiltration rating. Most of the air comes from that spot. Other manufacturers neglect to insulate well that important part of the window. The engine of the window is block and tackle balance system and can achieve about 28,000 cycles, so you can open and close your window about so many times, before the engine is gonna blow up so to say. OKNA Precision-Weld windows come with standard half screen or can be upgraded to full screen option. The screen is made from extruded aluminum, which adds to durability of the screen. The screen does not not have locking mechanism, but there is an option to add that feature. Quality of the Window The window frame is made from the virgin vinyl. It means that the vinyl used in the window was not remelted from other vinyl products. Block and Tackle balance system is maintenance free and does not need lubrication. Both the frame and sashes are fusion welded for extra durability. High performance HeatSeal Spacer is used in glass pane system and prevents any moisture to accumulate between the two glass panes. Precious-Weld Series Window Key Points: Advantages:
![]() OKNA Windows and Doors Company is a relatively small manufacturer located in Bristol Pennsylvania. The company was started in 1994 by two friends who worked together as installers and business partners. They had to start a window manufacturing business, because a local supplier was not able to meet their window demand. So these two owners are still together running the business. It is a plus that they come from the installer’s world. They can understand the needs of an installer and what does the customer wants and combine them together into a product that performs well. OKNA Windows and Doors Company manufactures a wide range of windows and doors for the residential and commercial markets. We are gonna post reviews of their windows here, just click on the link when it is blue color:
The base model Precision Weld Series replacement windows has many good features, that many other larger manufacturers do not have in their base window offerings. These windows can be customized with different type of lock, screen and color options, which are usually unavailable with other window manufacturers. Next two levels in their model row is Insul-Tec and Eco-Pro Series replacement windows. These windows have wider selection of different options. Better frame and glass options. The top of the line OKNA offering is Enviro-Star Series replacement windows. These windows have unsurpassed energy efficiency and come in different colors and frame variations. The OKNA company is about 23 years in business. They had some ups and downs. In 2011 they settled a lawsuit brought against them and their dealer by some NJ angry customers. At this time the company is growing and expanding into midwest of the United States. The last time we checked OKNA windows boast strong support and good customer reviews online. We offer OKNA windows to our customers as well. We like working with smaller manufacturer. Sometimes it is easier to get things done with them, than with a bigger manufacturer of replacement windows. Some people say that a bigger company is better, because there is a higher chance that the warranty is gonna be honored. It is true to some extent, but we never know what can happen to a big well known company as well. Smaller window companies very often trying harder to please the customer and offer acceptable price, than bigger manufacturers. We think it is worth to give them a chance. |
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June 2018